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Make Our City Safe

Make Our City Safe. It is the most basic duty of a city, and Olympia is falling far short. A recent city survey showed 83% of Olympians did not feel safe downtown at night, while 70% wanted an increase in law enforcement. Some in our city government suggest police are the problem. I vehemently disagree: We love our police, firefighters, and first responders. They run IN to burning buildings while we run out. Police are heroes.

While most police departments struggle with shortages nationwide, Olympia could be leveraging the quality of life and job satisfaction to lure the best and brightest officers to our community. That is, if we treated our police with the respect they deserve. I support more police, better training, and more funding. I would like to see Olympia Police resource officers back in Olympia schools as soon as possible. We especially need to make Olympia feel safe for women, children, and senior citizens citywide.

Ross For Olympia
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